When to hire a Tax Pro

If dealing with the IRS sounds tedious, time consuming and makes you uncomfortable, consider calling in a tax pro.

An experienced licensed tax pro can ensure that you maximize your tax benefits and protect your tax rights. Taxpayers think the IRS will correct a tax return when missing a credit or deduction, but that is only half true. The IRS will only correct a tax return if a taxpayer does not report income, but not if you leave tax benefits on the table.

Anytime your taxes are complicated, beyond a simple W-2 and standard deduction with no dependents, it makes sense to hire a tax pro. Paying a tax pro is a wise decision if you recently had a major life change like getting married or divorced, had a baby, purchased or sold a home, started a business, major health issues or retiring. Also, if you have various sources of income like investments, receiving an inheritance, or settled an estate.

Tax laws change all the time and amount to more than 2,652 pages (or well over 1 million words compared with the King James Bible’s 788,280 words or War and Peace’s 560,000 words, according to independent tax policy nonprofit Tax Foundation), keeping up with all those laws can make anyone’s head spin.

Tax professional’s such as tax lawyers, certified public accountants, and enrolled agents (RefundMe tax pro is an enrolled agent) are licensed tax professionals that are trained to know these laws and help you navigate and accurately prepare your tax return and are authorized to practice before the IRS.